

Carrie Saxon (performed by Jacquie J Sarah)

Carrie Saxon has had a twenty year career in writing and journalism.  She is not sure she will have that career after hosting Ghostbook Podcast.

Sylvester Da Silva (performed by John Parry)

As is tradition, I’ll start at the beginning. My name, as it has been for 17 years, is Sylvester da Silva. I’m a psychic medium with a penchant for the spooky, macabre, and all things supernatural. What does this translate to in “real life”? My occupation involves facilitating communication between the dead and the living. I also dabble in exorcism and confronting the machinations of evil forces invading the physical realm. 
I’m also very keen on hyperbole. 

My name is a professional one, as you may have guessed. It’s not entirely stolen as my Portuguese grandfather will tell you - I can arrange this. He may have departed this world thirty odd years ago, but I can hook up a call.